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What the f**k is InkLink?

Fair question. Let me explain.
I'm Mario, the founder of InkLink. Here's me and my dog, Hank.
Mario and Hank
I'm not a tattoo artist, but I like getting tattoos. (They're under my shirt, I promise).
What I hate about tattoos is how hard it is to book them.
Every artist has a unique combination of Google Forms or email or whatever on their Instagram. It's a mess.
Then there's the back and forth to get all of the requirements, land on a date, pay deposits, etc. You know what I'm talking about.
I was going through this process with my artist, Steven, and was frustrated by how hard it was.
I just wanted to give him my money!
Then I thought: "You know what? I bet he doesn't like this any more than I do."
It turns out I was right.
I set up a call with Steven so I could understand his booking system. He told me all of the things that annoyed him.
I took notes. I asked questions. I listened.
Then I did what any rational person would do -- I went all-in on building software specific to his needs. Something that would make his life easier, and by extension, mine (and his other clients).
That's how InkLink was born.
By day, I built boring logistics software (yawn). By night, I built the simplest tattoo software I could imagine.
I ran EVERYTHING by Steven to make sure it worked for him.
It took a while, but we got there. I built the first version of InkLink and Steven has been using it since.
If you're reading this, you're probably a tattoo artist who has many of the same annoyances as Steven. I also probably found you online either with ads or cold outreach or something. I'm sorry, I didn't know how else to get this in front of you.
Chances are your problems are similar to Steven's. You both need a way to manage your bookings, right?
If your problems are different, I'd love to hear about them. I'm always looking for ways to improve the product.
In short: InkLink is a small business started by a crazy software engineer to make his favorite tattoo artist's life easier.
If you don't want to use InkLink, I understand. Thank you for reading this far. I hope you have a great day!
If you want to use InkLink but have questions, reach out to me here. (I read these all personally).
Otherwise, if you're ready to get started for free, .